We learned that the "men"were angels and were indeed sent to destroy the city...but first came to Lot to warn him to get his family out of the city. While standing in the doorway some wicked men came and wanted to have relations with the "men" sent by God. Lot would not let them and protected them...he was even going to give them his virgin daughters when the "men" pulled him inside and struck the attackers blind so they could not find the door...
Lot was instructed to get his wife and daughters and flee and not to look back...His wife did and was turned into a pillar of salt.
Later when they were in the mountains and hid in a cave...the daughters were so frightened that they would not bare children they got their father drunk and had relations with him.(he did not know) they both had sons.
This is so crazy...and it is a perfect example of how wickedness could take over...I mean even the daughters didn't realize how wicked they had become and were thinking only of themselves...
please join me in tomorrow's reading of Genesis 20:1-18