Now the famine was great in the land and when they had eaten the grain that was retrieved them their father said to them..."go and buy some more" and they answered him saying...but he said if we return we would not see his face without returning with our youngest brother.
Then Israel said..."why have you told him about your brother?"
They told him that the man questioned them and they could not be untruthful...so they told him.
Judah said to his father Israel..."send me with him and if something goes wrong I will take the blame"
Israel decided to send not only the money that was returned to him but extra so they could purchase more grain.
Judah and his brother and the youngest went back to Egypt.
When they got there they showed the money to the entrance and he said "do not be afraid, The God of your fathers had given it to you"...they were then invited for dinner with Joseph at noon.
during the dinner Joseph was brought to tears in the meeting of the youngest son he did not know and had to leave the room. When he returned he sat and ate with them and not as Egyptians eat but as Hebrews do...he let them serve themselves. They feasted and ate together with him.
So how do you think Israel is feeling right now not knowing what is happening there...He had already lost one son and now he is fearing the loss of another. Poor guy. He has no Idea that his long lost son is the one who has requesting the presence of the youngest son. I love the way Joseph is gently asking the condition of his father...And the poor brothers have no idea...They are sitting in the presence of the one they sold to the Gypsies.
Please join me in tomorrow's reading of Genesis 44:1-34