Adam and Eve's sons. Cain a tiller of the ground. Able a keeper of sheep. They both brought offerings to the Lord but the Lord had no regard for Cain's offering of the fruit of the ground. Able gave the first of his flock for his offering as well as the fat and the Lord had high regard for it...So Cain's countenance fell.
The Lord asked why his countenance had fallen and why he was so angry. He told him if he did well his countenance would be lifted up and if he did not do well sin would be crouching at the door. Cain told his brother this...and then he killed him.
The Lord called him on this and Cain lied and said he was not his brother's keeper. The Lord punished him.
He was sent to be a vagrant and a wanderer of the earth...he was afraid someone would kill him...so the Lord told him that whosoever killed him vengeance would come on him 7 fold.
He then settled outside of Eden and went on to have a family.
Adam went on to have another son...Seth (eve said God had appointed her another son to replace Able.)
Seth also had a son and they called upon the name of the Lord.
I find this all amayzing...Through all this...They called upon the name of the Lord...Do we do that? Or do we let our countenance fall when bad things happen?...Do we let sin crouch at our door or do we open the door and let it in?
I am really glad you joined me today...please join in with me for tomorrow's reading of Genesis 5:1-32
blessings to you today...