Thursday, November 8, 2007

Genesis 45:1-28

Today we read through Genesis 45:1-28

Joseph reveals himself to his brothers at last...

1Then Joseph could not control himself before all those who stood by him, and he cried, "Have everyone go out from me." So there was no man with him when Joseph made himself known to his brothers.
2He wept so loudly that the Egyptians heard it, and the household of Pharaoh heard of it.
3Then Joseph said to his brothers, "I am Joseph! Is my father still alive?" But his brothers could not answer him, for they were dismayed at his presence.
4Then Joseph said to his brothers, "Please come closer to me." And they came closer. And he said, "I am your brother Joseph, whom you sold into Egypt.
5"Now do not be grieved or angry with yourselves, because you sold me here, for God sent me before you to preserve life.

if you haven't read the rest of the story click here.

Joseph then tells them how God told him about the famine and this was his dream taking place...he then told them to go and tell his father and retrieve him.
9"Hurry and go up to my father, and (say to him, 'Thus says your son Joseph, "God has made me lord of all Egypt; come down to me, do not delay.

When the Pharaoh heard of this he gave Joseph's family the best land of Egypt.

The brothers were then sent on their way to tell their father.

27When they told him all the words of Joseph that he had spoken to them, and when he saw the wagons that Joseph had sent to carry him, the spirit of their father Jacob revived.
28Then Israel said, "It is enough; my son Joseph is still alive. I will go and see him before I die."

Today we learned that the Lord had indeed kept his vision promise to Joseph. We also learned that Joseph's father who's spirit was low was indeed so happy of the news of his son. We also learned the relief of the brothers for what they had done(they had lived with their grief for quite some time) and we learned that the tie of a matter how strained could never be broken. Isn't God good!

please join me in tomorrow's reading of Genesis 46:1-34 (Jacob moves to Egypt)